Saturday, March 29, 2025
Saturday, March 29, 2025

West Virginia National Guard Day at the Legislature

Today, the Legislature celebrated “West Virginia National Guard Day”, by honoring our troops and learning about all the National Guard has to offer.

The National Guard provides incredible versatility for its troops while serving their community, state and country. The Guard enables its troops to respond to reconstruction missions, domestic emergencies, combat missions and much more. Additionally, the Guard has programs that assist with the state’s counter-drug efforts, which is an issue that has been getting a lot of attention at the Legislature this session.

The National Guard Prevention and Outreach Program is a substance abuse program that provides a variety of outlets to help soldiers with alcohol and drug dependencies. It features mental health and prevention and outreach programs designed to help Guard members and their families maintain healthy lifestyles.

Among the many National Guard programs visiting the Legislature this afternoon, was the Drug Demand Reduction Program, which provides drug abuse prevention education and safe decision practices to West Virginia’s youth.

Technical Sargent, Michael Barr travels across the state to provide education to young people in a safe and entertaining environment. Not only does the program teach about drug use and good decision making, but it also gives students a chance to bond with one another through team building activities, such as rock climbing, Barr said.

The Drug Demand Reduction Program provides support to state and local community based organizations, law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, and coalitions. “The main goal of this program is to try to reduce drug usage not just in youth, but throughout the entire state,” said Barr.

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