Saturday, July 27, 2024
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Budget Completes and House Adjourns Sine Die

The House returned to hear farewell addresses. The remainder of the farewells will be heard throughout the evening.

The Rules Committee moved SCR 20 to the floor and reorder the calendar.

House Bill 4399, House Bill 5084, and House Bill 4851 were sent to conference committees.

The House passed two bills after some lengthy debate.

Senate Bill 841 was amended on third reading. The bill keeps the max weekly unemployment benefit at $662 with 26 weeks of payment. The bill amends the threshold wage to $9,500. The amended bill adds in the Jobs and Reemployment Act by requiring work search activities to qualify for unemployment benefits.

Senate Bill 280 states that no public-school board, superintendent, or school principal cannot prohibit public school teachers from responding to students’ questions about scientific theories on how the universe and/or life came into exist.

The House concurred to complete several other bills, including the Budget Bill.

Senate Bill 200 is the compromised budget bill which totals $4,996,598,939.

The breakdown of General Revenue is:

1. Senate – $6,152,206
2. House – $11,985,000
3. Joint – $11,240,457

4. Supreme Court – $166,316,509

5. Gov Office – $6,626,040
6. Custodial Fund – $615,427
7. Civil Contingent Fund – $8,500,000
8. Auditor’s Office – $2,724,523
9. Treasurer’s Office – $3,718,259
10. Department of Agriculture – $13,962,323
11. WV Conservation Agency – $11,636,697
12. Meat inspection – $1,169,540
13. Agriculture awards fund- $54,250
14. WV Agriculture Land Protection Authority – $109,693
15. Attorney General – $5,894,240
16. Secretary of State – $983,138
17. State Election Commission – $7,508

Department of Administration
18. Office of the Secretary – $15,631,631
19. Consolidated Retirement Fund
20. Division of Finance – $810,767
21. Division of General Services – $26,394,135
22. Division of Purchasing – $1,146,662
23. Travel Management – $1,325,210
24. Commission on Uniform State Laws – $45,550
25. WV Public Employe Grievance Board – $1,213,226
26. Ethics Commission – $773,228
27. Public Defenders Service- $38,195,744
28. Division of Personnel – $1,800,000
29. Committee for the Purchase of Commodities and Services from the Handicapped -$4,055
30. West Virginia Prosecuting Attorneys Institute – $688,044
31. Office of Technology – $5,000,000
32. Real Estate Division – $902,771

Department of Commerce
33. Division of Forestry – $6,105,480
34. Geological and Economic Survey $3,328,376
35. Division of Labor – $2,017,411
36. Division of Natural Resources – Division of Natural Resources – $31,316,979
37. Division of Miners’ Health, Safety and Training – $12,342,060
38. Board of Coal Mine Health and Safety – $370,549
39. WorkForce West Virginia- $75,700
40. Office of the Secretary – $1,977,755
41. State Board of Rehabilitation – Division of Rehabilitation Services – $16,222,463
42. Department of Tourism – Office of the Secretary- $14,000,000
43. Department of Economic Development – Office of the Secretary – $12,917,867
44. State Board of Education – School Lunch Program – $2,497,519
45. State Board of Education –State Department of Education – $128,627,282
46. State Board of Education –Aid for Exceptional Children – $35,113,216
47. State Board of Education –State Aid to Schools – $2,039,581,856
48. State Board of Education –Vocational Division – $41,790,026
49. State Board of Education –West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind- $15,730,195
50. State Board of Education –School Building Authority – $24,000,000

Department of Arts, Culture, And History
51. Division of Culture and History – $ 5,788,181
52. Library Commission – $ 1,644,157
53. Educational Broadcasting Authority – $ 4,323,875

Department of Environmental Protection
54. Environmental Quality Board – $ 131,874
55. Division of Environmental Protection – $ 7,622,445
56. Air Quality Board – $ 76,053

Department of Health
57. Department of Health –Central Office – $ 4,192,094
58. Office of the Share Administration – $5,296,143
59. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Commissioner – $3,885,706
60. Bureau of Public Health – Health Statistic Center – $535,949
61. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Community Health and Health Promotion – $7,426,935
62. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Health Services – $2,771,537
63. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Epidemiology and Prevention Services – $2,880,464
64. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Laboratory Services – $3,275,870
65. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Maternal, Child Family Health – Children’s Special Care – $1,500,830
66. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Maternal, Child Family Health – Infant, Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Health – $2,027,036
67. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Maternal, Child Family Health – Maternal, Child, and Family Health Epidemiology – $411,736
68. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Maternal, Child Family Health – Community Health – $382,989
69. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Maternal, Child Family Health – Women’s and Family Health – $2,300,505
70. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Maternal, Child Family Health – West Virginia Birth to Three – $9,291,855
71. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Medical Cannabis – $1,020,075
72. Bureau of Public Health – Office of Office of Nutrition Services – $38,621
73. Deaf and Hard of Hearing – $238,259
74. Center for Local Health – $15,571,992
75. Office of Chief Medical Examiner – $13,852,264
76. Office of Emergency Medical Services – $5,332,477
77. Office of Threat Preparedness – $5,036
78. Office of the Inspector General – $7,224,762
79. Human Rights Commission – $1,568,052

Department of Human Services
80. Division of Human Services – $173,258,504
81. Office of Shared Administration – $23,399,070
82. Bureau for Medical Services – Office of the Commissioner – $795,516
83. Bureau for Medical Services – Medical Services Administration – $42,299,773
84. Bureau for Medical Services – Policy and Programming – $227,432,902
85. Bureau for Medical Services – Home and Community Based Waiver Programs – $112,843,333
86. Bureau for Social Services – Office of the Commissioner – $25,734,577
87. Bureau for Social Services – Children’s Services – $37,883,039
88. Bureau for Social Services – Adoption – $39,855,069
89. Bureau for Social Services – Foster Care – $110,230,811
90. Bureau for Social Services – Adult Services – $5,450,513
91. Bureau for Social Services – Child Protective Services Case Workers – $26,770,365
92. Bureau for Social Services – Social Service Case Workers – $10,458,585
93. Bureau for Social Services – Adult Protective Services Case Workers – $3,984,994
94. Bureau for Social Services – Youth Service Case Workers – $4,698,244

Department of Health Facilities
95. Central Office – $3,655,695
96. Health Facilities Capital Projects Fund – $550,000
97. Hopemont Hospital – $12,827,637
98. Lakin Hospital – $14,451,392
99. John Manchin Senior Health Care Center – $8,703,666
100. Jackie Withrow Hospital – $12,337,165
101. Welch Community Hospital – $31,057,039
102. William R. Sharpe Jr. Hospital – $79,407,370
103. Mildred Mitchell-Bateman Hospital – $53,506,391
104. William R. Sharpe Jr. Hospital -Transitional Living Facility – $1,847,929

Department of Homeland Security
105. Office of the Secretary – $4,293,160
106. Division of Emergency Management – $6,691,854
107. Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation –West Virginia Parole Board – $1,454,002
108. Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation –Central Office – $385,147
109. Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation – Correctional Units – $317,211,561
110. Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation – Bureau of Juvenile Services – $51,207,884
111. West Virginia State Police – $126,900,784
112. Fire Commission – $63,061
113. Division of Protective Services – $4,023,574
114. Division of Administrative Services – Criminal Justice Fund – $10,656,295
115. Division of Administrative Services – $6,280,223

Department of Revenue
116. Office of the Secretary – $648,506
117. Tax Division – $ 31,518,796
118. State Budget Office – $1,183,885
119. West Virginia Office of Tax Appeals – $1,214,578
120. State Athletic Commission – $36,811

Department of Transportation
121. Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities –State Rail Authority – $2,145,040
122. Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities – Public Transit – $2,292,989
123. Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities –$ 1,471,263
124. Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities –Aeronautics Commission – $1,031,626
Department of Veterans’ Assistance
125. Department of Veterans’ Assistance – $15,640,193
126. Department of Veterans’ Assistance – Veterans’ Home – $ 1,785,768

Bureau of Senior Services
127. Bureau of Senior Services – $6,580,366
West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education
128. Control Account – $15,839,076
129. Mountwest Community and Technical College – $7,062,120
130. New River Community and Technical College – $6,569,820
131. Pierpont Community and Technical College – $8,613,156
132. Blue Ridge Community and Technical College – $8,972,984
133. West Virginia University at Parkersburg – $11,561,838
134. Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College – $9,217,907
135. West Virginia Northern Community and Technical College – $8,252,020
136. Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College – $2,412,016
137. BridgeValley Community and Technical College – $8,888,187

Higher Education Policy Commission
138. Control Account – $81,059,149
139. West Virginia University –School of Medicine – Medical School Fund – $22,433,558
140. West Virginia University – General Administrative Fund – $119,506,390
141. Marshall University – School of Medicine – $9,787,407
142. Marshall University – General Administration Fund – $56,725,780
143. West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine – $6,332,105
144. Bluefield State University – $7,081,263
145. Concord University – $11,491,763
146. Fairmont State University – $20,671,494
147. Glenville State University – $7,420,879
148. Shepherd University – $13,734,975
149. West Liberty University $10,380,743
150. West Virginia State University – $17,769,170
151. Administration – West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing (WVNET) – $1,946,515

Miscellaneous Boards and Commissions
152. Adjutant General –State Militia – $ 18,646,916
153. Adjutant General – Military Fund – $ 157,775

The House is adjourned sine die. 

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