Saturday, September 7, 2024
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Senate Passes 8 Bills to Begin First Special Session of 2024

The Senate suspended the constitutional rules requiring bills to be read on three separate days and passed eight bills on Sunday evening to begin the First Special Session of 2024.

The bills that were passed Sunday night include:

Senate Bill 1001 restores funding for Medicaid and the IDD waver program that was cut during the Regular Session.

Senate Bill 1002 is an appropriation to the Division of Highways.

Senate Bill 1003 restores $50 million of funding to the Governor’s Civil Contingency Fund to construct an agricultural lab at West Virginia State University.

Senate Bill 1004 appropriates $10 million to the Posey Perry Emergency Food Bank Fund.

Senate Bill 1005 is an appropriation to the Department of Education that deals with funding of the Hope Scholarship Fund.

Senate Bill 1006 is an appropriation to the Bureau for Medical Services, Policy and Programming, and to the Board of Education.

Senate Bill 1014 clarifies the procedure for political party nomination of presidential electors.

Senate Bill 1015 changes the formula used to determine deposits into the state’s Rainy Day Fund.

The above bills now head to the House of Delegates for consideration.

Senate bills 1007-1013 were read a first time Sunday and will be on second reading tomorrow.

Also on Sunday, the Senate adopted two resolutions to support West Virginia students who have been with problems with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, commonly called FAFSA.

Senate Resolution 101 urges the US Department of Education to accelerate processing of Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Senate Resolution 102 urges the continuation of the State of Emergency and suspending certain requirements for Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

The Senate is adjourned until tomorrow, May 20, at 12:30 p.m.

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