Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Senate Completes Action on Child Care Tax Credit, Adjourns Sine Die

The Senate suspended the constitutional rules on Tuesday morning to complete action on House Bill 226, the Child Care Tax Credit bill.

The legislation provides a credit against the personal income tax in the amount of 50 percent of the allowable federal child and dependent care credit for those already receiving the federal tax credit. The bill is retroactively effective to Jan. 1, 2024. The credit will potentially return $4.2 million to eligible taxpayers.

Senator Mike Oliverio (R-Monongalia), speaking in support of the bill, said he would like to do more to help parents with child care during the next regular session. He broke down the numbers, explaining that approximately 16,000 West Virginia families receive the federal child care tax credit, which amounts to $454 per family per month. With this bill completing action, the state child care tax credit will provide those families with an additional $225 tax credit per month.

The legislation now heads to the Governor’s desk to await his signature.

Also on Tuesday morning, the Senate completed action on six additional supplemental appropriation bills.

In the final action of the morning floor session, the body adopted Senate Concurrent Resolution 202, which honors Hershel “Woody” Williams with statue in National Statuary Hall Collection. This resolution now heads to the House of Delegates for consideration.

After recessing for a couple hours, the Senate returned around 3 p.m. to complete action on four House supplementary appropriation bills. Those items are as follows:

House Bill 212 allocates $22 million to the Higher Education Policy Commission.

House Bill 216 allocates $9.3 million to the Office of Technology.

House Bill 230 allocates $1 million to the Department of Education as part of a Safe Schools initiative.

House Bill 245 allocates $5 million to the Office of Emergency Medical Services.

Also on Tuesday afternoon, the body adopted Senate Resolution 209, recognizing the  dedicated public service of Honorable David Allen Stover.

Following a recess until around 8 p.m., the Senate returned to receive House messages and complete action on several bills.

The body concurred in the House amendments to Senate Bill 2028, which permits the development of an opioid treatment program if it is part of clinical trial and approved by institutional review board. They also concurred in House amendments to Senate Bill 2035, which provides funding for certain broadband expansion programs administered by Economic Development Authority.

The Senate then suspended the constitutional rules to complete action on House Bill 218, which provides $1.15 million to the West Virginia Conservation Agency, and House Bill 244, which places a limited moratorium on new municipal fire fees imposed on non-municipal resident.

Following a brief recess, the Senate returned just past 9:30 p.m. to suspend the rules and complete action on House Bill 227, which authorizes the School Building Authority to provide funds for the construction of charter schools.

The Senate has adjourned Sine Die.

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