Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Interim Report: LOCEA & LOCHHRA

Interim meetings continued today.

This morning, the Legislative Oversight Commission of Education Accountability provided an update on the dual enrollment pilot program. More than 4,600 students were enrolled in the program last year, and 38,000 college credits were earned. The Higher Education Policy Commission spent $3 million but saved West Virginia students $11.2 million.

The Department of Education spoke of improvement in kindergarten through 3rd literacy. The department also shared the harassment, intimidation, and bullying report. Most harassment, intimidation, and bullying take place in 7th through 9th grade. Bullying is usually over race or physical appearance, physical disability, gender identity, or sex.  Most offenders are male. Students who are white are written up at a lower rate than students black or multiracial students.

The Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability met this afternoon. The Commission received an update on the West Virginia Consolidated State Laboratories Facility.

The agencies involved in the consolidated laboratories facility include the Department of Health, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiners, the Department of Labor, the Weights and Measures Division, the State Police, West Virginia University, Marshall University, and the Department of Administration. The design team includes ZMM Architects and Engineers, Cannon Design, MWL, Potesta and Associates, and multiple specialty consultants.

The Site of the Consolidated State Laboratories will be at the West Virginia Regional Technology Park in South Charleston. The entrance of the drive will be expanded. The bid date was November 20, 2024, and K&N Contracting had the lowest bid of $1,650,937. The scope of the work to be done is site prep, grading, and utilities. The work will take place within 180 days from the notice to proceed. The first floor will house the Weights and Measurements Division, part of the Department of Health, part of the Chief Medical Examiner, and the part of the State Police Forensics that is required to be accessible to the public.

The second floor will house the Department of Health and the Chief Medical Examiner and have a meeting space. The third floor will house the Department of Health, Marshall University, and the WV State Police, and it will have a cafeteria space. The fourth floor will house the Department of Health, West Virginia University, and the WV State Police. The roof will have an enclosed penthouse and roof surface.

The exterior of the building is inspired by quilting to pay respect to state tradition. The building layout is influenced by the site layout. When entering the drive, one will approach from the back of the building the loop around to the front.

The completion of the building is projected for mid-November 207 to mid-February 2028.
The Chief Medical Examiner provided updates. While goals haven’t been reached, many improvements have been made. The Bureau of Public Health provided the fatality and mortality report. The committee also provided an update on the Child Welfare Electronic Portal.

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