The Subcommittee on Human Services met this afternoon to discuss House Bill 2033 and 2376.
House Bill 2033 prohibits the Department of Human Services from creating a policy that requires prospective adoptive or foster parents to affirm, accept, or support sexual orientation or gender identity that conflicts with the parent’s sincerely held religious or moral beliefs. The bill also states the Department cannot deny adoptive or foster parents because of their sincere religious or moral beliefs. The Department cannot create a policy to prevent prospective adoptive or foster parents from placement because of their religious or moral beliefs. The bill also states that the Department should use discretion in choosing the best placement for a child based on any held religious or moral beliefs of the child or family of origin. The bill is bound over for markup.
House Bill 2376 removes the requirement that the children of foster parents be immunized for the parent to bring foster children into the home. The bill is bound over for markup.