Monday, February 24, 2025
Monday, February 24, 2025

The Committee on the Judiciary and Two Subcommittees Met This Morning

The House Judiciary Committee met this morning to consider the following bills.

Markup & Passage

House Bill 2400 prohibits the delivery of unsolicited absentee ballot applications to anyone who has not specifically requested one from the county clerk. The committee substitute adds language allowing qualified first responders to provide applications. The substitute also clarifies that the application can be made available at the county clerk’s office in physical or digital form.

Committee Hearing

House Bill 2006 defines male and female in state law and single-sex spaces. It does not include criminal penalties.   

House Bill 2129, the Parents Bill of Rights, codifies parents’ rights to upbringing, education, and medical care. The bill clarifies parents wouldn’t be allowed to do something that is illegal in the current code.

The Subcommittee on Courts met immediately after the Judiciary meeting. The subcommittee heard a presentation from the Division of Corrections and Rehab.

Markup & Passage

House Bill 2217 defines the penalties for conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree, conspiracy to commit murder in the second degree, and conspiracy to commit voluntary manslaughter. The committee substitute

Committee Hearing

House Bill 2441 disqualifies individuals who fail random testing for alcohol and drug use in safety-sensitive positions from unemployment compensation benefits.

House Bill 2653 updates the provisions of the West Virginia Law Institute. The institute promotes and encourages the clarification and simplification of the laws of the state, improves the administration of justice, and conducts scholarly legal research and scientific legal work. The bill does some code clean-up and adds to membership, in hopes the institute to be able to do more.

Immediately following the Courts Subcommittee, the Subcommittee on Legal Services met.

Markup & Passage

House Bill 2117 changes when mail-in ballots are due to Election Day at 7 p.m.

Committee Hearing

House Bill 2683 prohibits ranked choice voting in West Virginia.

House Bill 2702 gives the Governor’s Office authority to appoint an acting official until the state party can choose three recommendations to provide to the Governor.

House Bill 2709 permits a voter with a change of address within the same county to vote in his or her new precinct without having to cast a provisional ballot.

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