The House Education Committee met this afternoon. Three bills were on the markup and passage stage.
House Bill 2479 reduces the number of members on a county board from twelve members to seven members.
House Bill 2164 allows public and private schools to hire school safety officers. An amendment was offered to require specific training for the safety officers, but it was rejected. The bill advances to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Committee Substitute House Bill 2515 updates definitions to address elementary behavior concerns. The bill set requirements to determine if a child’s behavior is violent, threatening, or intimidating towards staff and other students or creates an unsafe learning environment. The bill gives teachers flexibility in handling cases involving behavior. The bill allows teachers to remove a student from the classroom and prevent them from re-entering until a meeting with parents takes place.  The Committee Substitute does not allow the expulsion to be for both semesters. The bill advances to the House floor.