The Public Health Subcommittee met this afternoon.
Committee Hearing
House Bill 2776 requires positive results of alpha-gal syndrome to be reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some states already report alpha-gal to the CDC. Alpha-gal is caused by a tick, usually a Lone Star tick. The body develops antibodies against the alpha-gal. The alpha-gal can cause an allergy to a sugar molecule in red meat and other mammal products. Reporting will help track how widespread the disease is in the state.
The bill advances to markup and discussion.
House Bill 2349 requires medication-assisted treatment programs to offer long-acting reversible contraception to female patients recovering from addiction. The problem this bill is trying to address is the number of babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome.
The bill advances to markup and discussion.
The Committee Substitute for House Bill 2378 allows for the continuation of the needle exchange program if it is in affiliation with the county health department to ensure regulations are being followed. The introduced bill originally repealed the exchange program; the committee substitute changed this.
The bill advances to markup and discussion.