The Judiciary Committee met this morning.
Markup & Passage
House Bill 2131 gives the WV Legislature legal standing in court actions related to unauthorized election law and rule changes by state officials. Both chambers would have to agree to bring suit and hire a lawyer.
House Bill 2164 authorizes local school boards, public charter schools, and private/religious schools to employ school safety officers (SSOs). The SSOs would be authorized to carry a firearm on school property. They are not law enforcement and have no power to arrest, but they can detain individuals on school property. School boards must obtain insurance. The Guardian Program was added to the committee substitute.
House Bill 2351 increases compensation for panel attorneys of the Public Defender Services to $80 for out-of-court work and $100 for in-court work. The PDS must report a summary of legal services.
Committee Hearing
House Bill 2067, the West Virginia Firearms Liability Clarification Act, gives firearms manufacturers protections from liability when an individual uses a firearm to commit a crime.
House Bill 2881 expands the number of members in the Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation Unit to 19. The bill allows for retired State Police to be a part of the unit.
House Bill 3017 requires ballot tabulating equipment to not be connected to the internet. The bill requires inspections and audits by the clerk. The Secretary of State will also do random inspections.