Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Government Administration Advances Originating Bill to Full Committee

The Government Administration Subcommittee met this afternoon.

The committee first considered House Bill 3013, which was at the committee hearing stage. After hearing about the bill, the rules were suspended, and the bill was moved to markup and passage. The bill advanced to the Government Organization Committee.

House Bill 3013 requires movie theatre operators with more than one location in the state to provide open captioning during at least two shows per week of each digital motion picture produced and offered with open captions for the first 20 days of the movie’s premiere in that theatre. The bill also requires theatres to have at least two audio description devices available upon request. The bill provides exemptions for drive-in movie theatres, theatres with less than six screens, theatres not equipped for open caption files, motion pictures shown less than eight times from Friday through Thursday, and motion pictures shown by a theatre 20 days after its premiere in that theatre.

Next, the committee considered House Bill Originating 1. The originating bill provides the central nonprofit agency may enter into contracts for nonprofit workshops. The bill allows nonprofit workshops to engage in competitive bidding. The bill removes fair market pricing. The bill also terminates the Committee for the Purchase of Commodities and Services from the Handicapped on December 31, 2025. The bill transfers oversight duties of the committee to the Division of Rehabilitation Services. The bill advanced to the Government Organization Committee.

Committee Hearing

House Bill 2484 increases the probationary period for paid firefighter electricians and mechanics from six months to one year to match the probationary period for all other firefighters. The bill does not affect the benefits received.

House Bill 3056 provides arresting authority to Fire Marshals and Deputy Fire Marshals. The bill also provides a Deputy Fire Marshal may keep a complete standard uniform upon retirement to be worn during special occasions. The badge must have the word “retired” on it.

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