The Committee on Energy and Public Works met this afternoon.
Markup & Discussion
House Bill 2502 establishes limitations on billing practices of Internet or telecommunications providers that fail to provide subscribed customers service for five or more days (120 hours) to automatically credit the customer’s account for the lack of service proportional to the number of days of disrupted services.
House Bill 2987 creates the Consumer Data Protection Act and guides the Act’s administration.
House Bill 3168, the Rosi Act, requires entities providing goods, services, or utilities to allow changes to be made to an electronic account by telephone or mail.Â
House Bill 3187 adds the identification of economic opportunities to the agenda of the Task Force on Artificial Intelligence and extends the sunset of the Task Force to July 1, 2027.
House Bill 3263 provides that every utility should have an approved outage notification in place to notify customers of disruptions in service.
House Bill 3292 defines “on-track equipment.” The bill clarifies that motorists should also stop for this equipment, as with a train.
Committee Hearing
House Bill 2205 expands the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission to include advanced nuclear reactors.
House Bill 2948 removes the requirement that the loan value of the motor vehicle be less than $9,500 to allow an automobile dealer, licensed automobile auction, motor vehicle repair facility, or towing company upon whose property or place of business an abandoned or junked motor vehicle has been abandoned to obtain a certificate of title and registration for the abandoned motor vehicle or junked vehicle.
House Bill 3072 provides for the creation of “Super Two” highways in this state. The bill asks the Division of Highways to look into this process and consider it for future development.
House Bill 3336 eliminates the requirement for a four-and-a-half-inch casing for modern wells. The bill eliminates the removal of intermediate or surface casings for non-modern or older wells, so long as other requirements are met.
Senate Bill 267 extends the time during which a person may apply to renew an expired CDL from 6 months to 3 years without having to follow the procedures for initial issuance of a CDL including the testing provisions. The bill also provides that a person whose CDL has been downgraded solely because of his or her medical certification becoming expired or invalid may have his or her CDL restored upon presentation of a valid and current medical certification no more than 5 years after such downgrade without being required to follow the procedures for initial issuance of a CDL, including the testing provisions.
Senate Bill 573 provides that no state agency and no political subdivision may restrict the use, purchase, or sale of motor vehicles based on the energy source used to power the motor vehicle or power functions of the motor vehicle. This prohibition would not apply to any policy established by a state agency, or a political subdivision relating to the use, purchase, or sale of motor vehicles by that state agency or political subdivision.
Senate Bill 627 authorizes the Division of Natural Resources (DNR), with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce, to lease state-owned pore spaces underlying lands under the jurisdiction and control of the DNR for the sequestration of carbon dioxide. This would allow the director to lease pore spaces under state parks but would prohibit the disturbance of the surface of state park property for any drilling or injection activity.