Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Finance Continues with Hearings in Afternoon Meeting

The Finance Committee met this afternoon.

House Bill 2145 would remove an annual fee for vendors doing business with the state.

House Bill 2159 provides for the assessment of interest on overpayments by the Bureau for Medical Services. The bill establishes an interest rate and method for accrual for those overpayments.

House Bill 3012 modifies the allocation of funding for lottery monies. The bill removes the requirement that the entire city must be within the county for revenue sharing.

House Bill 3152 declares the claims against the state which are moral obligations of the state and authorizes the payment of the following amounts: $926,461.63 from General Revenue, $199,652.78 from Special Revenue Funds, and $620,932.59 from the State Road Fund. The total owed in claims is $1,747,047.00.

House Bill 2351 increases panel attorney pay and requires the Public Defenders Service to provide an annual report on certain designated areas to help provide data on guardian ad litem/panel attorney performance.

House Bill 3155 changes the permit fee that limited video lottery licensees pay.

House Bill 3157 shortens the timeline for road condition claims.

House Bill 2456 permits agencies to receive funds from the Bureau of Public Health to pregnancy help organizations under the West Virginia Mothers and Babies Pregnancy Support Program to expand the purposes for which those funds may be received by the pregnancy help organizations.

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