Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

House Passes Six Bills, Completing Action on One

During today’s House floor session, six bills were passed; one completed legislative action.

Senate Bill 487 removes an obsolete reference to the combined voter registration and licensing fund. The bill accelerates the removal of voters from the rolls by making voters eligible to be purged from the rolls if they have not voted in any election for the preceding two years.

Senate Bill 8 provides for additional sites for newborn safe surrenders. The bill adds emergency medical service facilities, police departments, 911 call centers, and sheriff’s detachments that are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week to hospitals, health care facilities, and fire departments to be designated newborn safe-surrender sites. The bill allows these locations to perform any act to protect the physical health or safety of the child once they receive a child.

House Bill 2143 requires the West Virginia Department of Education to establish a curriculum aligned with the science of reading. Each K-5 public school teacher and public charter school teacher who provides literacy instruction shall be trained using high-quality professional learning that incorporates ongoing, intensive training in the science of reading that includes classroom application activities and live sessions spanning multiple school years as approved and provided through the West Virginia Department of Education. Currently employed educators shall be enrolled by the 2027-2028 school year.

House Bill 2172 adds a certified athletic trainer to the Board of Physical Therapy. This addition sets the board to an even number. In a tie, the chair will vote a second time.

House Bill 2358 requires autopsies to be conducted within 72 hours of the request being received by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. The bill requires within 24 hours of autopsy completion a report should be submitted.

House Bill 2702 allows the Governor to appoint an acting official for vacancies to perform the duties of a constitutional officer until the appointment process is completed. The bill requires those who are appointed to be affiliated with that party for at least one year before the vacancy. If the appointment is to the House or Senate, the individual must have resided in the district for one year before the vacancy.

Bills introduced can be found here.

The House is adjourned until 11 a.m. tomorrow, March 18, 2025.

Committee Meetings, Today March 17

Committee Meetings, tomorrow March 18

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