Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

House Finance Met Twice for Committee Hearings

The Finance Committee met this morning and this afternoon to hear about the following bills.

Committee Hearing

House Bill 2015 extends indefinitely the moratorium on new BRIM coverage for entities with permissive coverage.

House Bill 2162 repeals the tax exemption for credit unions.

House Bill 2889 authorizes the Commissioner of the State Auditor of West Virginia to conduct fairness hearings for transactions involving the exchange of a security for one or more outstanding securities, claims, or property interests or partly for cash, to determine whether the terms and conditions of the exchange are fair to the security holders.

The Committee recessed until after the Banking and Insurance Subcommittee.

House Bill 3111 provides pay increases to members of the judiciary including the Supreme Court, circuit courts, family courts, magistrates, and the Intermediate Court.

House Bill 3092 allows patients to use the copay covered by the manufacturer’s copay cards to be applied to the deductible.

House Bill 3492 authorizes the City of Huntington to levy a special district excise tax for the benefit of the City of Huntington Economic Opportunity Development District.

House Bill 2978 transfers the powers and duties of the Municipal Bond Commission to the State Treasurer.

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