The House Education Committee met this afternoon.
Markup & Passage
House Bill 2167 cleans up code relating to public charter schools.
House Bill 3279 increases the number of individuals on WVU’s Board of Governors. The bill removes voting ability for some members.
House Bill 3422 requires the State Board of Education to create a School Choice Portal. The portal will be maintained to allow parents to file a notice of intent, notice of termination, and other paperwork.
House Bill 3438 allows retired teachers with specializations in math science, and other STEM subjects to be long-term substitutes without their retirement being affected.
House Bill 3446 requires all high school students to submit a FAFSA form to graduate unless a waiver is completed to opt-out.
House Bill 3507 creates a 2-year pilot program for schools in 10 counties to contract qualified mental health professionals to support counselors with behavioral health within schools.
House Bill 3508 modifies the school aid formula. The bill provides additional funding for special education aids.