Monday, March 31, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025

Two Bills sent to Finance and Committee Substitute Considered

Today in the House HB 2007 and HB 2205 were sent to the House Finance Committee to be reviewed and HB 2099 Committee Substitute was requested.

HB 2007 would eliminate the courtesy patrol programs operated by the Division of Highways and the Parkways Authority. If the Finance Committee approves the bill, it will be moved to the floor. 

HB 2205 would exempt heating oil for residential purposes from the Motor Fuel Excise Tax. 

HB 2099 Committee Substitute would define the act of leaving the scene of a crash involving death or serious bodily injury as a felony. It also establishes the act of leaving the scene of a crash that does not proximately cause death or injury as a misdemeanor and defines bodily injury and serious bodily injury. 


HB 2006 was read for the second time today and will be voted on tomorrow. 

Committee Meetings Today

Political Subdivisions: 1 p.m. in 434M

Health and Human Resources: 2 p.m. in 215E

There will be a budget presentation at 4 p.m. in the House Chamber.

Committe Meetings Tomorrow 

Judiciary: 9 a.m. in 410M

Gov. Org.: 9 a.m. in 215E

Finance: 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. in 410M

Veterans Affairs and Homland Security: 1 p.m. in 434M

Education: 2:30 p.m. in 434M

The House is adjourned until 11 a.m. tomorrow. 


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