Sunday, February 23, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025

House Ag. and Nat. Resource Committee move four bills and lay over one

Today in the House Agriculture and Natural Resource Committee one agriculture bill was approved and another was laid over. Three natural resource bills were approved. 

HB 2566 was laid over to the next meeting. This bill (also known as The WV Fresh Food Act) would require that state programs purchase a minimum of 20 percent of its fresh food from in-state fresh food producers. Many questions were raised regarding this act, such as how would it be monitored, would it be more expensive, and the big one: can our farmers produces that much food in-state? As the bill reads, each institution would be required to purchase 20 percent. Institutions include schools, universities, correction facilities, and others. The bill will be on the agenda of the next meeting. 

HB 2453 would expand the list of persons the Commissioner of Agriculture many license to grow or cultivate industrial hemp. The bill requires a statewide and a nationwide background check. This bill will be reported to the floor, with recommendation that it do pass, but first be referred to the Committee on Judiciary. 

HB 2641 would treat retired natural resource officers like all other law enforcement and exempt them from the state income tax. This bill will be reported to the floor, with recommendation that it do pass, but first be referred to the Committee on Finance. 

HB 2662 would prohibit the wanton waste of game animals, game birds, or game fish. The bill makes it illegal to waste game that has been wounded, killed, or taken while hunting or fishing. Hunting/fishing license could be suspended for five years; could also be fined or jailed. This bill will be reported to the floor, with recommendation that it do pass, but first be referred to the Committee on Judiciary. 

HB 2663 would increase the compensation for natural resource officers.  This bill will be reported to the floor, with recommendation that it do pass, but first be referred to the Committee on Finance. 

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