Saturday, May 4, 2024

House Gov. Org. Discussed Six Bills

Today, House Gov. Org. met and discussed six bills. They included HB 2690, HB 2631, HB 2503, HB 2628, HB 2540, and HB 2554.

HB 2690 would terminate the West Virginia Board of Registration of Foresters while preserving essential protections against misrepresentations by unqualified persons in the commercial practice of forestry. Originally the bill stated that unexpended funds would be transferred to the General Revenue Fund, but there was an amendment that would transfer the funds into the State Road Funds in an effort to better West Virginia Roads.

HB 2631 would prevent dismissal of complaints that exceed time standards for disposition when then accused causes delay that results in the time overage. 

HB 2503 would update the rulemaking authority of the Board of Osteopathic Medicine.

HB 2628 would clarify and strengthen the duties and powers of the Board of Medicine and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine with regard to evidence of serious misconduct by licensees and applicants for license under their respective jurisdictions.

HB 2540 would permit a person to practice his or her profession for seven days for a charitable function. There would be a special license given to the person if certain qualifications were met. 

HB 2554 would transfer the West Virginia Contractor Act from administration and regulation by the Division of Labor to regulation under the provisions of professions and occupations in chapter 30 of code. 

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