Sunday, February 23, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Firearm carry in recreational areas approved by House Ag. and Nat. Resources

The House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources met today and discussed four bills.

HB 2552 would increase the pet food registration fee and direct that the additional money to the West Virginia Spay and Neuter Fund. The money is paid by the manufacturer when it registers its product to the Department of Agriculture for quality testing. The bill increases the registration fee from $50 to $150 for products over 10lbs. The $50 would continue to cover the cost of testing and additional $100 would then be deposited into the Spay and Neuter Fund. The bill was approved by the committee and will be reported to the floor to be referred the Committee on Finance.

HB 2679 would prohibit county park commissions from prohibiting firearms in their facilities and to clarify that a firearm may be carried by a person for self-defense in state parks, state forests and state recreational areas managed by the Department of Natural Resources. The bill was approved by the committee and will be reported to the floor to be referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Although, request was made to waive the second reference.  

SB 410 would permit the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources identification tag to be used to identify a trap. The bill was approved and will be reported to the floor to be referred to the Judiciary Committee.

HB 2949 would exempt specified Division of Natural Resources’ contracts for some replacement, repair, or design for repairs to facilities from review and approval requirements of the Division of Purchasing. The bill was approved by the committee and will be reported to the floor to be referred to the Committee on Government Organization.

HB 2821 WV Farm-to-Food Bank Tax Credit – This bill would establish a credit against personal and corporate income taxes for farmers who donate edible agricultural products to food banks and other nonprofit food programs serving needy persons. Must submit a tax credit review every two years. Language is almost identical to SB 25 which has passed the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee and the Senate Finance Committee. Recommended it do pass, but first referred to Finance.



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