Sunday, May 19, 2024

Study Resolutions Move from House Education

House Education met today and discussed study resolutions, which will be set to the floor for adoption.

HCR Originating is a study resolution to determine operating expenses for the education system.

HCR 31 is a study resolution based off of a bill introduced by Delegate Ron Walters (R-Kanawha) this session. The resolution would study the effects of reducing the number of county boards of educations to a smaller number of district boards of education. It would study the most cost efficient way to fund public education to be consistent across all school districts. This study is a way to sort through the issues of this possibility before consideration of an expensive bill.


Walter’s bill, HB 3008, was introduced last month and referred to House Education. The drafted bill is 809 pages long. His bill would eliminate the county educational system and would create a 10 district system all about the size of Kanawha. He said this system would allow money to be appropriated more equally to all districts. The bill did not move in Education; however, the study resolution would explore the possibility of making this change. 

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