Monday, March 31, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025

Judiciary Committee Passes Originating Bill

The Judiciary Committee met yesterday to discuss multiple bills, one of which is an originating bill. This bill increases salaries of the attorney general, the auditor, the secretary of state, the commissioner of agriculture and the state treasurer. The bill gives $125,000 to all of these officers. The bill will be reported to the House.

House Bill 2378 relates generally to grounds for revocation of a teaching certificate. The purpose of the bill is to provide for the automatic revocation of the teaching certificate or license of a teacher who convicted of any offense that requires the teacher to register as a sex offender or any criminal offense which has as an element the distribution of a controlled substance. The bill had four amendments adopted and was reported to the House.

House Bill 2662 relates to certificates or employment of school personnel. The purpose of this bill is to provide for the automatic termination of a service personnel employment contract and the automatic revocation of the bus operators certificate if the employee or bus operator is convicted of any offense that requires him or her to register as a sex offender, or of any criminal offense which as an element the distribution of a controlled substance. All the amendments made to House Bill 2378 applied to this bill as well and it was reported to the House.

House Bill 2719 allows nonmembers of a political party to request that party’s partisan ballot at a primary election. The purpose of this bill is require notification to voters at polling places in primary elections that they may request and use a ballot for one of the major political parties if the voter is not affiliated with any party or if the voter is registered with a party that does not have candidates on a ballot for that polling place. There was an amendment made to the bill to replace all instances of “ballot commissioner” with “election commissioner” which after adopted was reported to the House.

House Bill 2670 relates to damages for medical monitoring. This provides that in any civil action in which a court orders a defendant to pay for a plaintiffs future medical surveillance, screening tests, or monitoring procedures, no plaintiff shall be awarded or paid any moneys to cover such costs until the surveillance, tests, or procures have been completed. The shall also determine the date after which the future medical surveillance, screening tests, or monitoring procedures are no longer required, and any funds remaining after that date shall be repaid to the defendant.

The bill was reported to the House.

House Bill 2943 relates to deliveries by wine specialty shops. The bill provides for a wine specialty shop delivery license. The license allows the delivery of wine baskets within county boundaries, or within a 50 mile radius of the shop. Several conditions are placed on shops seeking to deliver wine gift baskets: no deliveries to dry counties or dry local option areas, no deliveries out of state, no deliveries to private businesses, a maximum of two cases of wine per month per customer, no resale, the wine must be in a sealed container labeled with a warning, the purchases must be made in shop, face-to-face, the purchaser and deliverer must be 21.

The bill was reported to the House.

House Bill 2866 relates to the termination, expiration, or cancellation of oil or natural gas leases. The purpose of the bill is to require lessees to provide lessors with a recordable release for oil or natural gas leases, when the leases are expired, terminated or cancelled under their terms. The bill defines a procedure by which lessors may attempt to document the invalidly of a lease in the public record, while also providing the operators an opportunity to dispute the invalidity before recordation. The bill was reported to the House.

House Bill 2049 relates to a prime contractors responsibility for wages and benefits. Wage payment act claims have a five year statute of limitations. Under the wage payment act, an employee of a subcontractor may seek repayment of wages and benefits from the prime contractor. This bill seeks to address belated claims where the prime contractor, with no prior notice, is subject to suit long after a construction project ceases, due to the failure of a subcontractor to pay its employees. The bill was reported to the House.

House Bill 3073 authorizes a court administrator to make determinations of financial eligibility. This bill amends and reenacts code relating to a court administrator to make determinations of financial eligibility for public defender services. The bill was reported to the House.


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