Saturday, February 1, 2025
Saturday, February 1, 2025

House Judiciary Advances Two Bills

The House Judiciary Committee advanced a bill that would allow for other offenses to be included in the juvenile restorative justice program.

House Bill 2094, as amended, allows for the juvenile restorative justice program to include other offenses by removing the limiting language in the code. The juvenile restorative justice program is a voluntary option for the victim and juvenile offender to enter with the focus of repairing harm through communication and mediation. The victim controls the situation and decides the consequences to repair the harm. If the offender does not want to complete the program, then the offender serves the time for the crime. However, if the offender chooses to proceed with the juvenile restorative justice program, a mediator helps determine when the program has been completed by the offender.

The committee also advanced House Bill 2184, which would increase the criminal penalties for the exposure of governmental representatives to fentanyl or any other harmful drug or chemical agent.

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