Monday, March 31, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025

House Judiciary Advances Five Bills

The House Judiciary Committee met this evening and advanced five of the six bills discussed.

House Bill 2888 clarifies when contention is adjudicated, defines forensic scientific evidence, and provides that no additional liabilities are created.

House Bill 2688 allows county political executive committees to create building funds in the same manner as a party headquarters committee. This is already allowed at the state level. The bill extends it to the county level.

House Bill 2972 permits the manufacture of a limited amount of alcoholic liquor for personal use only and not for sale. This bill sets the amount at 100 gallons per calendar year for a household of two or more over the age of 21 or 50 gallons per calendar if only one person over 21 lives in the household.

House Bill 2379 increases the offense of criminal invasion of privacy by visual portrayal from a misdemeanor to a felony with a corresponding increase in the penalty.

House Bill 2776 creates the Air Ambulance Patient Protection Act to provide for protections for those who are patients of air ambulance. Under this bill, anyone who sells subscriptions to, accepts membership applications for, or charges fees for air ambulances must be licensed and regulated by the Offices of the Insurance Commissioner.

House Bill 2988 implements recommendations of the Legislative Auditor by establishing causes for revocation, cancellation, or suspension of a business registration certificate. The bill failed to advance out of committee.

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