Monday, March 31, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025

Busy Monday for the Judiciary Committee

In the Judiciary Committee today, several bills were discussed. A few were rejected and a few were moved to tomorrow’s agenda. Senate Bill 537, Senate Bill 569, Senate Bill 658, and Senate Bill 657 are a few that advanced to the floor.

Senate Bill 537 modifies the definition of kidnapping to clarify that transportation is not necessary to be kidnapping. Holding another person for ransom, inflicting bodily harm, terrorizing a person or using another person has a shield or hostage, all fall under the definition of a kidnapping.

Senate Bill 569 establishes medical monitoring expenses and provides that an increased risk of disease is not a compensable bases for damages in any civil action. The bill requires that, when awarded, defendants pay medical monitoring expenses into a fund established by the court for that purpose and provides that any money remaining in the fund after medical monitoring be returned.

Senate Bill 658 requires the sheriff’s departments to participate and utilize Handle With Care Program for trauma-inflicted children.

Senate Bill 657 permits expressive activity on campus under certain conditions. The bill does allow state institutions of higher education to maintain and enforce reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions under certain parameters. It also requires state institutions of higher education to treat student organizations which are open to all students equally. The bill encourages state institutions of higher education to develop materials to educate the campus community on its policies relating to protected speech and expression activities and requires posting of policies on website. The bill allows a person or student organization who believes a violation of this article has occurred to bring an action for relief against the state institution of higher education.

The Judiciary Committee will meet tomorrow at 9 am.

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