Thursday, February 6, 2025
Thursday, February 6, 2025

House Health Rejects Bill Eliminating CON in Health Care

The House Health and Human Resources Committee met this afternoon at 2:30 p.m. The Committee passed several legislative rules.

The Committee began a long discussion on House Bill 4013, which eliminates the certificate of need (CON) program for health services.

Dr. Patch Adams spoke with the committee stating that the certificate of need is more of a business document. He stated that health care shouldn’t be focused on money and business; its focus should be on care and giving people the best care possible. He said as a doctor “to care for another human being is to be rich, in the true sense of the word.”

Another speaker stated that the state would have more birthing centers if the CON was repealed. She spoke of several instances where individuals wanted to open birthing centers but couldn’t because of the CON requirements. These individuals either opened their business in another state or went a different direction.

One presenter stated that West Virginia could have 20 to 25 new hospitals if CON was repealed.

Proponents stated that CON is ineffective at regulating costs, limits access to care, and stands as a barrier to health care entry. Currently, Urgent Cares require a CON, which makes it difficult to get 24-hour walk-in care facilities in West Virginia. The presenter spoke of how he was denied opening a walk-in facility because it didn’t meet the requirements of CON. He appealed it and ended up dropping the case. He also attempted to open an imaging center and it was also denied. He has appealed it and the case is still in court.

Opponents argued that the competition puts patients at risk of lower quality of health care and drive large hospitals out of business.

A fiscal note has been requested but has not been received yet.

House Bill 4013 was amended. However, the bill was rejected in committee (10-12).

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