The House Finance Committee met this afternoon.
House Bill 4591 accelerates the change in the real estate transfer tax so that it is payable only to the counties.
House Bill 4567 prohibits a municipality from imposing its business and occupation or privilege tax on any business activity or occupation when the basis of the tax is derived from products being shipped into or sold in the municipality. The bill advances to the floor.
House Bill 4566 creates the Economic Enhancement Grant Fund for local governments for various economic development projects they have. The bill also authorizes WV Water Development Authority to make grants to cover all or portions of the costs of water, sewer, economic development, and tourism projects.
House Bill 4604 eliminates the Workforce Development Initiative Program advisory council.
House Bill 2096 restores the film tax credit program in WV. The bill raises the minimum threshold of cumulative annual expenditures necessary to qualify for credit. It establishes annual limits for credits available. It requires the WV Development Office to develop a database of location, music, and other resources to be made available to film production teams. The bill advances to the floor.