Thursday, February 27, 2025
Thursday, February 27, 2025

House Bill 2908 Rejected by House Judiciary

The House Judiciary Committee met three times today.

In the morning meeting, the committee discussed the following:

House Bill 4353 provides that all local elections be held on a date that a statewide election is being held. The bill advances to the floor.

House Joint Resolution 104 limits the number of consecutive terms any individual serving in the office of Secretary of State Auditor, State Treasurer, Commissioner of Agriculture, or Attorney General to three consecutive terms. The resolution advances without amendment.

House Bill 4629 authorizes the Attorney General or the chief officer of the subject government agency to may issue a response to the potential claimant within 60 days of receipt of the notice to file suit to toll the statute of limitations during pre-suit negotiations for action against the state, afford a 90 day time to file suit absent pretrial negotiation, and dismiss claims absent suit filed within this 90 days. Action on the bill was delayed to perfect amendments. The bill was brought back before the committee in the evening meeting to hear amendments. The amended bill advances.

House Bill 4050 defines livestock in the General Stock Law, which involves livestock trespassing on the property of another.

House Bill Originating, relating to missing persons, works to improve the search and finding of missing persons. The bill advances.

House Bill Originating, relates to flying under the influence, advances to the floor.

The Committee recessed.

The Committee reconvened after the floor session and considered the following:

House Bill 2908 requires high-volume third-party sellers to provide information to online marketplaces and disclose certain information to the consumers within 24 hours. A high-volume third-party seller is someone who sells on an online marketplace and has completed 200 or more transactions totaling $5,000 or more in gross revenues.

Proponents stated that a lot of this information is already being provided somewhere in the process. Proponents see this as an opportunity to stop organized retail theft, as individuals are reselling the products online after stealing. Opponents noted that this bill could affect small business owners selling on Amazon due to the time limit of 24 hours. Opponents said this is creating a registry of small businesses.

The motion to report to the floor was rejected on a vote of 9 in favor and 13 against.

House Bill Originating excludes up to $100,000 from life insurance policies and $20,000 of an annuity from creditors in a bankruptcy proceeding. The bill advances to the House floor.

House Bill 4293 prohibits the delivery of unsolicited absentee ballot applications to any person who has not specifically requested from the county clerk. The subcommittee amended the bill by removing the felony penalty which was in the original bill. The amended bill stated that the act must be knowingly and willfully.

If an election official knowingly and intentionally mails out an unsolicited absentee ballot application, it’s a misdemeanor. If any other person knowingly and intentionally mails out 10 or more unsolicited absentee ballot applications, it’s a misdemeanor.

The bill advances.

House Bill 4066 expands the prohibition on distracted driving of motorists utilizing a wireless communication device or standalone electronic device. The bill advances to the floor.

House Bill 2751 establishes a system to remediate fiscal emergencies of local government and modernize the process for dissolution of municipal corporations in WV. The bill advances.

House Concurrent Resolution 31 applies to the US Congress to call a convention to propose amendments that would impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and members of Congress.

The committee recessed. The committee reconvened after the evening floor session and continued consideration of House Concurrent Resolution 31.

Two-thirds of the states must submit identical resolutions calling for a Convention of States for one to take place.

The bill advances.

It was moved that House Bill 4011 – Establishing the Anti-Stereotyping Act be put into a study resolution and be explored over the summer. The bill motion was adopted.

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