Thursday, January 30, 2025
Thursday, January 30, 2025

House Judiciary Advances Campus Self-Defense Act

The House Judiciary Committee met this afternoon to consider the following legislation.

House Bill 2648 is a rules bundle, authorizing the DHHR to create legislative rules relating to the Dangerousness Assessment Advisory Board.

House Bill 3166 permits a hospital to hold a patient experiencing a psychiatric emergency for up to 72 hours.

Senate Bill 10, the Campus Self-Defense Act, authorizes regulation or restriction on the carrying of concealed pistols or revolvers in certain circumstances or areas of an institution of higher education.

Proponents of the bill stated that the bill is a constitutional matter of the second amendment. They believe campus carry provides safety and protection in a place that needs it. Opponents expressed concern about the lack of gun handling training and mental health issues on college campuses. In addition, they are concerned about mixing alcohol use with the increased availability of handguns. The bill advanced.

House Bill 2567 increases the penalty of unlawful trespass into the home of another from a misdemeanor offense to a felony offense. The bill increases the sentencing to one to ten years and a fine of $1,000 to $5,000. If the person is armed, the sentencing is one to ten years with a fine of $5,000 to $10,000.

House Bill 3479 adds definitions relating to unmanned aircraft systems. The bill requires compliance with all federal laws and regulations relating to such vehicles and creates criminal offenses and penalties for misconduct relating to unmanned aircraft systems.

House Bill 3341 permits cigar lounges in West Virginia resorts and provides guidelines.

House Bill 2016 allows child agencies and facilities to disclose otherwise confidential information to be provided to other child agencies and facilities when making referrals and providing services.

House Bill 2862 ensures that all shareholder votes by or on behalf of the West Virginia Investment Management Board and the Board of Treasury Investments are cast according to the pecuniary interests of investment beneficiaries.

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