Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

House Judiciary Discusses Sex Discrimination

House Judiciary met this afternoon.

House Bill 4233 requires birth certificates issued in this state to include the gender of the child at birth and prohibits the use of the term “non-binary” on birth certificates. The bill advances.

House Bill 4758 creates the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on the Fusion Center. The bill establishes reporting requirements and clarifies the Fusion Center’s duties and functions, prohibitions, and restrictions when gating information or intelligence. The bill advances to the floor.

House Bill 4786 creates the Delivery Network Company Insurance Act. The bill requires Delivery Network Company to acquire insurance for drivers when making deliveries.

House Bill 4845 prohibits swatting.

House Bill 5072 creates the Act to Prohibit the Purchase of Small Unmanned Aircrafts Manufactured or Assembled by a Covered Foreign Entity.

House Bill 5232 updates the Business Liability Protection Act.

House Bill 5250 provides requirements a retailer must go through for gift card selling. Employers must provide training to employees relating to gift card fraud. If using self-checkout, an employee must interact with the customer before the purchase can be completed. The bill advances to the floor.

House Bill 5251 creates the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, which prohibits solicitation calls utilizing auto dialing and voice recordings. The bill also sets other prohibitions. The bill advances to the floor.

Senate Bill 318 requires the Department of Human Services to provide a certificate when parental rights are terminated due to neglect and abuse. These certifications must be included in adoption petitions.

House Bill 5243 establishes the WV Women’s Bill of Rights, which brings “clarity, certainty, and uniformity to the laws of West Virginia regarding sex discrimination, equality of the sexes, and benefits or services specifically provided to males/men and females/women.” The bill states anywhere “gender” is a stand-alone word in code that it is deleted and replaced with the word “sex.” The bill also states that the prohibition of sex discrimination shall be construed to forbid unfair treatment of females or males in similar situations. The bill states separate single-sex environments for males and females be provided where the sexes are not similarly situated. The bill states data collection shall not required relating to sex unless required by law. There is a severability clause. Three amendments were offered and one passed. The bill advances to the floor.

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