Monday, February 24, 2025
Monday, February 24, 2025

House Completes Legislative Action on Special Hunting and Fishing License

In an afternoon split session, the House received a message from the Senate that they passed House Bill 2795 with an amendment. The House unanimously passed the amended bill which would create a special hunting and fishing license for persons with a life-threatening condition who are under 21. This bill is the fifth piece of completed legislation during the 79th Regular Session.

Nine bills were voted on this afternoon, all of which passed to the Senate. If you knowingly file false information with the Secretary of State you would be charged with a misdemeanor according to House Bill 3194. Litterbugs beware, House Bill 3197 would authorize municipalities that have adopted anti-litter ordinances to appoint special litter prevention officers. These officers would have authority to issue citations, summonses and sign complaints. Condemnation commissioners would get a raise from $50 to up to $200 a day if House Bill 3224 becomes law.

A hefty 40 bills were on second reading including: House Bill 2868 which would create and maintain the West Virginia Autistic Children’s Trust Fund. It would also create a tax credit for contributing to a trust fund for the future support of an autistic minor. House Bill 3051 would provide immediate family members and funeral directors with veterans’ death certificates at no cost.

The House will reconvene at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

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