It was a busy morning in the House today as they adopted one resolution, passed 16 bills and advanced 17 bills to third reading.
Senate Bill 548 completed legislative action and will continue to the governor’s desk. It extends the time the Boone County Board of Education can meet to determine a renewal for the county’s school excess levees.
Other passed bills included Senate Bill 477, which would require that all reports given to the legislative librarian be given in electronic form and House Bill 4182, which would make changes to the Emergency Medical Services Retirement System Act.
The bills read on second reading include House Bill 4161, which would create a Herbert Henderson Office of Minority Affairs, House Bill 4623, which would add six additional members to the Equal Pay Commission, and House Bill 4652, which would establish a school calender committee for each county.
The West Virginia State Grange was honored today as the oldest agriculture and rural organization in West Virginia with the adoption of House Resolution 24.
The following committees will meet today:
Judiciary-12:30 p.m. 410M
Finance-12:30 p.m. 460M
The House will reconvene at 3 p.m. today.
UPDATE: The House reconvened at 3 p.m. and received several committee reports. The House will reconvene at 11 a.m. Monday.