Today in the House 27 bills were introduced and six bills were passed. Along with those bills, one was sent to third reading for the next floor session.
House Bill 2750 would issue an order to temporarily or permanently end a parent-child relationship in the presence of sexual assault. This bill would allow a judge to make sexual assault or sexual abuse an additional consideration when deciding whether to remove a child from a home. This bill was sent to the Senate for further consideration.
A bill that would authorize the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists to require licensing was also passed. House Bill 2503 would provide that these licenses be present for government identification and would authorize the board to retain all the information. The Senate will further discuss this bill.
House Bill 2752 would increase the maximum age for persons applying for appointment for the police force. This bill would increase the age from 35 to 40 years old for persons applying for a position on the police force in a Class I or Class II city. The bill was sent to the Senate for review.
Along with these bills, Senate Bill 200 and House Bill 2860 were also passed. House Bill 2864 was sent to its third reading for the next floor session.
The following committee meetings will meet today:
Finance– 1:30 p.m.- 460M
Judiciary– 1:30 p.m.- 410M
Finance– 4 p.m.- House Chamber
Health and Human Resources– 4 p.m.- 215E
The following committees will meet tomorrow:
Finance– 9 a.m.- 460M
Judiciary– 9 a.m.- 410M
The House will reconvene tomorrow at 11 a.m.