Sunday, February 23, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mine Safety Bill Passes in House During Morning Session

Several Delegates including the Speaker of the House were moved to speak in favor of the bill regarding mine safety during the floor session this morning. After many heartfelt remarks, House Bill 4351 passed unanimously. The mine safety bill would allow miners to submit anonymous tips about safety issues, require that ventilation plans be submitted, and allow families to be part of the interview process should another mining disaster occur among other things.

There were also 13 other bills passed during this morning’s session. Among those was House Bill 4475, which encourages recent graduates to remain in West Virginia by reducing the federal adjusted gross income, and House Bill 4392, which involves the equal compensation of state magistrates, magistrate assistants, and magistrate county clerks.

The following committees will meet today:

Government Organization- Immediately following 2nd session- 215E

Judiciary- Immediately following 2nd session- 410M

The House is in recess until 2: 30 P.M.


During this afternoon’s floor session, the House advanced 61 bills to third reading with few amendments. Included in those advanced was the Committee Substitute for Senate Bill 221, which relates to the Jason Flatt Act, and House Bill 4310, which would prohibit sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of a school, child care facility, or playground.

The House is adjourned until 10 a.m. tomorrow.

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