Monday, March 10, 2025
Monday, March 10, 2025

House Completes Legislative Action on Five Bills

Today on the floor, the House completed five House Bills that were reported from the Senate, including House Bill 2521, relating to the West Virginia Contraband Forfeiture Act and also passed seven Senate Bills including Senate Bill 60, relating to name-change notice publication requirements.

The House advanced 21 Senate Bills to third reading, including Senate Bill 446, conforming motor fuel taxes with International Fuel Tax Agreement. In addition, 38 Senate Bills and one House Bill were read for the first time today including Senate Bill 481, relating to juvenile mental health treatment.

Eight House Concurrent Resolutions were adopted as well, including House Concurrent Resolution 135, proclaiming West Virginia as a Purple Heart State, and House Resolution 34, designating today as “Crime Victims Day” at the Legislature.

Committees Meeting Today:
Judiciary Committee: 1:10 p.m. 410M
Finance Committee: 1:30 p.m. 460M

The House will reconvene today at 5:00 p.m.


The House met briefly to receive committee reports and received a proclamation from the governor extending the regular session to solely consider the budget bill. House Bill 2395, relating to senior services, was reported out of the Senate, voted on and completed legislation. The House also rejected Senate amendments made to House Bill 2471 and asked the Senate to withdraw those amendments.

The House will reconvene tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.

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