Monday, March 10, 2025
Monday, March 10, 2025

House Advances Prison Overcrowding Bill And Budget Bill To Third Reading

The House reconvened this afternoon to complete the special calendar.

Thirty-nine bills were read and advanced to third reading. Senate Bill 371, which relates to jail overcrowding. The bill clarifies that offenses subject to graduated sanctions for probationers and parolees are not applicable to new criminal conduct other than minor traffic violations and simple possession of controlled substances as virtually all West Virginia offenses or one or the other. This bill along with Senate Bill 481, which relates to juvenile mental health treatment, advanced to third reading.

House Bill 2014 was also advanced to third reading. This bill relates to the budget, it would make appropriations of public money out of the treasury in accordance with section fifty-one, article six of the Constitution.

Senate Bill 172, which relates to nonintoxicating beer distributor licensees and Senate Bill 414, which clarifies hunting and fishing license-issuing authorities were both advanced to second reading.

The House is adjourned until tomorrow at 11 a.m.

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