Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

House Passes Raw Milk Bill, Completes Legislative Action on HB 2880

During today’s floor session, the House completed legislative action on 11 bills including House Bill 2880 which would create an addiction treatment pilot program.  Another bill to complete legislative action was Senate Bill 2053, which would relate to the form of trust deeds. Other bills that are now completed legislation include Senate Bill 2535 , relating generally to suicide prevention training, “Jamie’s Law, ” and Senate Bill 322, which will eliminate mandatory electronic recount of ballots in recounts.

The House also passed twelve bills including Senate Bill 30, which would permit shared animal ownership agreement to consume raw milk. Senate Bill 578, which relates to occupational disease claims, was amended and passed. Also amended and passed was Senate Bill 574, which would relate to liquor sales by distilleries and mini- distilleries. 

Senate Bill 336, eliminating Health Care Authority’s power to apply certain penalties to future rate applications, was the only bill advanced to third reading and thirty bills on first reading were advanced to second reading including House Bill 2016, the Budget Bill.

The House also adopted several resolutions including HCR 6, HCR7, SCR18, SCR19, HCR24, HCR31,SCR31,HCR42, HCR45, SCR47, HCR55, HCR58, HCR60, HCR65, HCR68, HCR98, and HCR113


The House briefly reconvened this evening to hear committee reports.

The following House committees will meet today:

Judiciary is meeting immediately following floor session in 410M

Health is meeting immediately following the floor session in 215E

Senior Issues is meeting 10 minutes following floor session in 434M

Education subcommittee A will meet at 4 p.m. in 434M


The following House committees will meet tomorrow:

Education will meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room 434M

Judiciary will meet at 9:00 a.m. in Room 410M


The House is adjourned until 11:00 a.m. tomorrow

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