Monday, February 24, 2025
Monday, February 24, 2025

Mountaineer Challenge Academy Bill Passes House

The House of Delegates met today at 9:30 a.m. to get a head start on the final day for bills to be advanced to second reading. 

Two interns that have worked this session, graced the members with a speech, summing up their experiences here at the Capitol this session.  

Seventeen bills passed the House today, and among those 8 completed legislation. SB 384 would require the Bureau for Medical Services to seek federal waiver for a 30-day waiting period for tubal ligation, SB 459 would require county board of education to pay tuition to the Mountaineer Challenge Academy, SB 493 would allow the creation of self-settled spendthrift trusts, SB 516 relates to the registration for selective service, SB 545 relates to asbestos abatement on oil and gas pipelines, SB 595 relates to retirement credit for members of the WV National Guard, SB 613 would define total capital for purposes of calculating state-chartered bank’s lending limit and SB 614 would conform statute with court interpretation by replacing “unconscionable” with “fraudulent” when referring to conduct. 

SB 622 which relates to the composition of PEIA Finance Board, was delayed on the calendar one day and will be taken up on third reading tomorrow.

Twenty-eight other bills were advanced to third reading, with SB 539 laid over on second reading.

A message from the Governor provided an explanation for a veto on SB 10, which would create the Unborn Child Protection Act. The House overrode the veto with a vote of 85 to 15.

After reconvening once again at 5 p.m., the House continued with the remaining four bills on second reading today, including the budget bill, House Bill 4017. The House voted to consolidate the Senate Budget Bill within the House Bill.


Six bills were advanced to second reading as well. 

The House voted to concur with the Senate and pass HB 4346, HB 4587, SB 265 and SB 333


The following committees will tomorrow prior to session: 

Rules: 8:45 a.m.


The House will reconvene tomorrow at 9 a.m.

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