Today, the House convened at 11 a.m. HB 2006 was read for the first time to the House. The Committee Substitute of the bill passed through the Judiciary Committee on Friday.
HB 2006 would increase the penalties for violating the Whistle-blower Law. The bill additionally authorizes the termination from employment for a violation, instead of the current allowance of a suspension not to exceed six months.
Bills introduced today included HB 2367, HB 2401, and 2403.
HB 2367 would establish a new crime of organized retail crime, establishing penalties and providing for forfeiture of property or other asset derived from organized retail crime.
HB 2401 would increase teacher’s salaries in order to be competitive with other states.
HB 2403 would permit county boards of education to accumulate instructional days and use them when needed in a later instructional term when inclement weather and emergencies prevent the otherwise full instructional term from being completed. The bill establishes an instructional day to be three hundred thirty minutes.
Committee Meetings Today
Judiciary: 12:45 p.m. in 410M
Roads and Transportation: 1 p.m. in Gov. Org- 215E
Education: 2 p.m. in Education- 434M
Finance: 2 p.m. in House Finance- 410M
Sub-Committee on Anti-Competitive Behavior: 2 p.m. in 215E
Joint Finance and Joint Pension and Retirement: 3 p.m. in Chamber
Committe Meetings Tomorrow
Industry and Labor: 9 a.m. in 215E
Political Subdivisons: 1 p.m. in 434M
Health and Human Resources: 2 p.m. in 215E
There will be a budget presentation at 4 p.m. in the House Chamber.
The House is adourned until 11 a.m. tomorrow.