Sunday, February 23, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025

The House Passes Bill Regarding Employer Property and Ten Others

The House of Delegates passed 11 bills today on to the Senate.

House Bill 2546 would allow the replacement costs of employer provided property to be deducted from an employee’s final paycheck if the property is not returned.

Delegate Shott (R-Mercer) said that the bill puts in to place that an agreement would have to be made between the employer and the employee for the bill to take affect and that this puts forth a process for the receiving of the replacement cost.

Delegate Caputo (D-Marion) asked that if under the current law, if the only way to get that property back would be to sue. Delegate Shott confirmed that was the case.

Delegate Caputo was worried about the burden on the employee of having to replace the equipment. Delegate Shott assured him that it doesn’t require someone to replace the equipment, just give it back.

Deleaget G. Foster (R-Putnam), the lead sponsor of the bill, said, “There are 25 states that allow this. All the bill asks is or the property back.”

After 45 minutes of discussion, the bill passed 59-40.

House Bill 2555relates to tax credits for apprenticeship training in construction trades.

Delegate G. Foster said, “This encourages apprenticeship in our state and will result in higher quality employees.”

The bill passed with a vote of 69-30.

House Bill 2586relates to required minimum distribution of retirement benefits of plans administered by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board.

House Bill 2676 would transfer the security office under the Division of Culture and History to the Division of Protective Services.

House Bill 2694relates to the development and implementation of a program to facilitate commercial sponsorship of rest areas. The contracts would be negotiated by the Department of Highways.

Delegate Boggs (D-Braxton) asked the chair of the Committee on Finance, Delegate Nelson (R-Kanawha), if the money gained would be distributed all across the state and found that it would be.

House Bill 2739relates to supplemental Medicaid provider reimbursement.

House Bill 2766 would establish a new special revenue fund designated the Adult Drug Court Participation Fund. There is no fiscal note on the bill as it would just be a designation of certain funds.

House Bill 2811relates to the definition of above ground storage tanks. 

Delegate Hanshaw (R-Clay) said, “This doesn’t change the law, only changes the definition regarding tanks in zones not of critical importance.”

Delegate Fleischauer (D-Monongalia) said, “This bill will make it so small tanks are no longer considered as tanks to be registered. The industry isn’t worried about the registration of the tanks but rather the upkeep, maintenance, and safety inspections of these tanks. In committee the bill was amended to help protect drinking water and therefore it is a good compromise.”

House Bill 2839 would update the procedures for legislative review of departments and licensing boards.

House Bill 2852relates to the preparation of a comprehensive annual financial report.

House Bill 2868 would relate generally to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.

On second reading were SB 302, HB 2833, HB 2898, and HB 2916. Delegate Hanshaw had a technical amendment for HB 2916.

Twelve bills were on first reading today.

Delegate A. Evans served as the House Speaker during introduction of guests.

The following committees meet today:

Finance at 2:30 p.m. in 434M.

Judiciary at 3 p.m. in 410M. 

Education at 2:30 p.m. in 434M.

Government Organization at 2:30 p.m. in 215E.

Roads and Transportation at 2:00 p.m. in 215E.

Political Subdivisions at 4 p.m. in 434M.

The following committees meet Monday:

Judiciary at 9:30 a.m. in 410M.

Public Hearing on House Bill 2002 at 8:30 a.m. in the House Chamber.


The House of Delegates is adjourned until Monday at 11 a.m.

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