Sunday, February 23, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025

House Passes Two Bills in Friday Floor Session

The House of Delegates passed two bills in its Friday floor session.

The first bill the House passed was House Bill 2815, which is a bill relating to the removal of animals left unattended in motor vehicles. Currently in state code, there is nothing allowing average citizens to rescue animals unattended without negative repercussions. However, under this bill, certain officers and agents would be allowed to remove animals. 

The bill passed unanimously with four members absent.

The House also passed House Bill 2307, which would allow the creation of provisional licenses for practicing barbering and cosmetology. 

House Bill 2190, which modifies bail requirements, was advanced to third reading.  Currently after reviewing all the circumstances, a court or magistrate is of the opinion that a defendant will appear as may be required, the magistrate may release that individual upon their own recognizance.

This bill adds a subsection which requires a magistrate, except for good cause show, to release the person charged with certain misdemeanor offenses on their recognizance.  The House adopted an amendment, which says that within 10 days, a prosecutor could make a motion to the magistrate or circuit judge to set bond or to provide evidence of a person that would show good cause for them not to be released.

House Bill 2311 was also advanced to third reading. This bill exempts short-term license holders to submit information to the State Tax Commission once the term of the permit has expired.  The amendment was a technical change to the language in a section of code included in the bill.  The House adopted the amendment.

The House of Delegates will reconvene at 11 a.m. Monday, Jan. 21. 

Committees Meeting Today After 11 am:

The House Committee for Judiciary will resume meeting at 1 p.m. today, Friday, Jan. 18 in 418M


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