During the floor session of the House of Delegates today Senate Bill 267 was passed. Senate Bill 267 is a bill that requires State Board of Education adopt a policy detailing level of computer science instruction. The bill also requires the Department of Education to develop and offer professional development opportunities to ensure educators are equipped with the requisite knowledge and skill to deliver computer science instruction. The bill authorizes the Department to partner with high-quality computer science professional learning providers in developing and offering the professional development opportunities.
Additional Bills that passed third reading include:
·     House Bill 2365, clarifying the definition of an employee for the purposes of unemployment compensation and workers  compensation.
·     House Bill 2583, Family Planning Access Act
·     House Bill 2661, relating to natural gas utilities
·     House Bill 2809, relating to prohibited acts and penalties in the Hatfield-McCoy recreation area
All additional bills on second and first reading were advanced as well.