Saturday, March 29, 2025
Saturday, March 29, 2025

House of Delegates Passes Two Bills, Advances Bills on Second Reading

The House of Delegates passed two bills and advanced 20 bills on second reading during Wednesday’s floor session.

The bills passed were both passed unanimously and with little discussion.

House Bill 2486 would remove barriers to employment for people with criminal records who seek licensure or certification in an occupation.

In explaining the bill, Delegate John Shott, R-Mercer, said the bill could be used to help West Virginians seek employment, providing that their criminal conviction is not directly relevant to the job that they are seeking licensure for, and that the criminal conviction is not sexual or violent in nature.

The House also passed House Bill 2975. This bill would update current statute to include employees and contract employees of a day report center to those prohibited from engaging in sexual acts with prisoners, those persons under their supervision.

Currently, correctional officers and guards are prohibited from engaging in sexual acts with prisoners or subordinates. This bill would just add day report center employees to that list.

Bills that were advanced without amendment include Senate Bill 270, Senate Bill 356, Senate Bill 358, Senate Bill 357, Senate Bill 452, House Bill 2515, House Bill 2667, House Bill 2855, House Bill 2856, House Bill 2886, House Bill 2907, House Bill 2924, House Bill 2929, House Bill 2954, House Bill 2982, House Bill 3007, House Bill 3039, House Bill 3083, and House Bill 3093.

House Bill 2933 was amended. The bill went under some technical changes that cleaned up the language as it referred to sentencing for repeat offenders.

All bills on first reading were advanced.

The House of Delegates is in recess until 6 p.m. today. The House will reconvene to hear reports from standing committees and remarks from members.


Committees Meeting Today:

-The House Committee on the Judiciary will meet at 1:30 today in 418-M to continue consideration of their posted agenda.

-The House Committee on Government Organization will meet at 2:00 today in 215-E to continue consideration of their posted agenda.

-The House Finance Committee will meet at 2:00 today in 460-M to continue consideration of their posted agenda.

-The House Education Committee will meet at 2:30 today in 434-M to continue consideration of their posted agenda.


Committees Meeting Before Floor Session Tomorrow:

-The House Education Committee will meet at 9 a.m. in 434-M.

-The House Government Organization Committee will meet at 9 a.m. in 215-E.

-The House Committee on Finance will meet at 9 a.m. in 460-M.

-The House Committee on the Judiciary will meet at 9 a.m. in 418-M.

-The House Committee on Health and Human Resources will meet at 2 p.m. in 215-E.


The House of Delegates reconvened at 6 p.m. for a brief floor session on Feb. 20 in the House chamber.

A vote was taken to dispense of the second reference to Judiciary for House Bill 2519, the campus carry bill. This vote passed.

The House of Delegates also read House Bill 2730, a bill to issue a 5% pay raise to certain state service personnel, such as police officers and teachers.

The House of Delegates is adjourned until 11 a.m. tomorrow, February 21st, in the House chamber.

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