Sunday, February 23, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025

House Concurs with Senate to Create Jumpstart Savings Program

The House of Delegates met today, concurring with the Senate on House Bill 2001 and passing four bills.

The House concurred with the Senate on House Bill 2001, which creates the Jumpstart Savings Act. The program will help citizens embark on a new trade or establish a new business within the state.

Senate Bill 126 is a rules bundle, which authorizes the Department of Administration to create legislative rules for purchasing.

House Bill 2671 updates the financial exploitation statute. It clarifies civil complaints and petitions proceedings for financial exploitation protective orders. It also includes potential criminal penalties for violating the protection orders.

House Bill 2722 prohibits the use of class B fire-fighting foam for testing purposes if the foam contains a certain class of fluorinated organic chemicals. The bill does make exceptions for fire prevention and in case of emergency.

House Bill 2852 changes the mandate for the Department of Education to distribute before September 1 to by December 31 60 percent of the county’s share of the allowance for increased enrollment. The bill does allow for the counties to request an advance on the share they expect to receive on December 31, however it cannot exceed 60 percent of their share of projected increased enrollment.

The House is adjourned until 11 am tomorrow, March 12, 2021.


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