Monday, March 31, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025

House Passes Personal Income Tax Reduction Bill

Today, the House adopted 10 resolutions and eight bills.

Senate Concurrent Resolution 14 request the creation of the West Virginia Women’s Suffrage Memorial on the State Capitol Complex grounds.

The remaining resolutions were naming resolutions.

House Bill 2747 transfers the Parole Board to the Office of Administrative Hearings. It sets the number of board members to 10 and sets requirements for members. The bill states the Chief Hearing Officer will be appointed by the Governor and serve as chair of the board. It also requires that all parole board hearings be open to the public.

House Bill 2773 allows the DNR to issue up to 100 permits for boats greater than 10 horsepower on the Upper Mud River Lake.

House Bill 2793 allows out of state residents to obtain WV concealed carry permits for $100.

House Bill 2962 removes the requirement that the practical exam be performed on a real person. Since COVID-19, a mannequin has been used. The bill removes restrictions on advertising. It changes practicing dentistry without a license from a misdemeanor to a felony.

House Bill 3300 reduces personal income taxes on a percentage basis. The bill creates the income tax reduction fund. Several amendments were offered, one was adopted.

The House is adjourned until 11 am tomorrow, March 30, 2021.


Today’s Meetings

Virtual Public Hearing at 4pm on HB 3072– Sunset the Board of Forestry.

Tomorrow’s Meetings

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