Monday, March 31, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025

House Passes Criminal Rewrite Bill to Create Classes for Crimes

It was a busy day in the House, as 32 bills were passed to the Senate and three resolutions were adopted.

House Joint Resolution 3 gives the people the right to decide on the 2022 ballot if they want to enhance legislative authority over state property taxes. The amendment would allow for exemptions for property taxes on certain machinery and motor vehicles.

House Bill 2908 requires high-volume third-party sellers to provide information to online marketplaces. High volume is defined as 200+ transitions or $5,000+ for 12 months continuous.

House Bill 2918 makes the Family Drug Treatment Court permanent.

House Bill 3072 sunsets the Board of Forestry and transfers responsibility to the Division of Forestry. It removes the license requirements. The bill states a list of foresters with four-year and two-year degrees be maintained by the Division.

House Bill 3074 requires the Board of Education to provide information about organ donation to high school students and higher education students.

House Bill 3308 increases the number of video lottery terminals allowed in an establishment from seven to 10.

House Bill 2017, the criminal code rewrite, establishes a class system for felony and misdemeanor offenses. If completed, the classes would be as follows: 6 felony classes, 3 misdemeanor classes, and a petty offense. The bill adds the option for enhancements to be added to a charge, which can result in additional time being added if convicted. The bill also adds crimes by an enterprise, which would impose larger fees to an entity. Most elements of crimes did not change, just application of the classes was added. However, the elements of larceny were changed and separated into 3 different classifications, based on value stolen.

During this morning’s Rules Committee Meeting, Senate Bill 439 was moved to the Special Calendar on second reading. It was advanced to third reading with the right to amend.

The House is adjourned until 11 am tomorrow, April 1.


Today’s Meetings

Tomorrow’s Meetings

A Virtual Public Hearing will be held on Friday, April 2 at 8 am on SB 569 -Relating to damages for medical monitoring.


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