Monday, March 31, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025

House Passes COVID Vaccine Exemptions Bill

The House convened for day five of the third extraordinary session. Before the 9 a.m. session meeting, the Rules Committee met and moved House Bill 335 to the foot of all bills and moved all supplemental bills on third reading off the calendar, as the Senate companion bills were passed yesterday. Remaining on the calendar: Two bills were on third reading and two were on second reading.

The House suspended rules for Senate Bill 3026 and Senate Bill 3030 to be read a third time and be put upon passage.

Senate Bill 3026 makes any rule of a local health board void if it has not been approved, disapproved, or amended and approved by the appropriate local elected board (county commission, municipality, or county board of education) within 30 days of approval from the local board of health. It includes orders and directives made by a local health officer, which operates as a rule or policy affecting multiple people as a class within the jurisdiction subject to the process for approval, disapproval, or amendment by the local elected body.

Senate Bill 3030 updates the Intermediate Appellate Reorganization Act. The Intermediate Court of Appeals was created during the 2021 Regular Session with Senate Bill 275.

Senate Bill 3018 moves funding from the General Revenue Fund to the State Department of Education for the fiscal year 2022.

House Bill 335 requires covered employers to provide for religious and medical exemptions from mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations.

The Committee on Finance will meet at 1 p.m. in Room 460.

The House is in recess until 4 p.m.

The House adopted House Joint Resolution 301 to authorize the House and Senate to adjourn for more than 3 days as needed during this special session. 

The House received three bills from the Finance Committee and read them a first time.

House Bill 337 transfers $10,000,000 from general revenue to the WV Department of Economic Development.

House Bill 338 transfers $90,000,000 from federal money to the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund.

House Bill 339 creates the Broadband Development Fund.

The House is adjourned until the call of the chair.

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