Thursday, February 27, 2025
Thursday, February 27, 2025

House Passes Education Bill Relating to Student Discipline

The House of Delegates convened today, advancing eight bills.

Senate Bill 83 creates a new training program for emergency services personnel to become certified as a tactical medical professionals. A tactical medical professional is a medical professional who carries firearms while on duty in the same manner that a law-enforcement officer would while serving. A tactical medical professional must receive a certificate from the Law Enforcement Professional Standards Subcommittee of the Governor’s Committee on Crime, Delinquency, and Correction. The certificate attests to the satisfactory completion of the law-enforcement training program.

Senate Bill 132 clarifies that stalking and harassment are separate criminal offenses.

House Bill 2436 creates the Patient Safety and Transparency Act.

House Bill 2509 creates the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act. This act allows parties to a marriage to contract prior to marriage with respect to property rights, actions to be taken upon dissolution of the marriage, rights to insurance proceeds upon the death of either party, choice of controlling law, and any other matters not in violation of criminal statutes or public policy. The bill was amended to clarify no one under the age of 18 can enter into said contract.

House Bill 2569 establishes the Motorsport Responsibility Act, which sets forth the liabilities and duties of motorsport participants and motorsport operators.

House Bill 2835 removes outdated provisions of code relating to the WV Graduate College and Marshall University.

House Bill 2850 clarifies general education teachers’ entitlements for the general education classroom that provides academic support for students identified as having an exceptionality whose least restrictive environment remains the general education classroom.

House Bill 2890 modifies the authority of teachers and other school personnel to discipline students that requires the removal of a student from the classroom. It requires each county school board to implement a tier system policy, with teacher input, to provide a framework for student behaviors and punishments. Five amendments were offered and rejected. The amendments can be viewed on the bill’s status page.

The House Rules Committee moved House Bill 2017 and House Bill 2510 from the House Special Calendar (active) to the House Calendar (inactive).

Two bills on the second reading were amended.

House Bill 2596 clarifies the reasons the county boards of education may deny transfers to other schools. The amendment removes ten total unexcused absences and suspension of level three or four offenses as a reason a nonresident student can be denied transfer to another county.

House Bill 3061 updates the authority of the foster care ombudsman. The amendment adopted states that the foster care ombudsman may protect staff anonymity through official foster care investigations, relating to work notes, products, and case files. However, the ombudsman may not exercise this authority over other types of investigations relating to employment.

The House is adjourned until 11 a.m. tomorrow, February 1, 2023.

Committee Meetings, Today

Committee Meetings, tomorrow, Feb. 1

Public Hearings, Thursday, Feb. 2

  • The Judiciary Committee will hold a public hearing on House Bill 2007 – Prohibiting certain medical practices – at 9 a.m. in the House Chamber.
  • The Finance Committee will hold a public hearing on House Bill 2883 – Making a supplemental appropriation from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund – at 2 p.m. in the House Chamber.

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