Saturday, March 1, 2025

House Amends Two Bills in Friday Floor Session

Today, the House amended two bills and postponed action on three.

House Bills 89 and 3215 were amended.

House Bill 89 requires hospitals to have on-call, available healthcare providers to conduct sexual assault forensic examinations and to collect sexual assault forensic examination kits. The bill requires that the health care providers shall be trained and properly qualified by the Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Commission. The Health and Human Resources committee added a definition for hospitals and included that an expert could be available through telehealth.

House Bill 3215 provides flexibility in timelines to allow planning commissions to promptly address applications. The bill addresses difficulties with finding qualified members for public boards and modifies the frequency of planning commission meetings. The bill addresses the jurisdiction of the planning commission and provides for flexibility in qualifications for county boards of zoning appeals and modifies the frequency of board of zoning appeals meetings. The first amendment changes the word “encourage” to “Guidelines for” to clarify that guidelines will be in place. The second amendment changes wording back to its introduced version.

Action was delayed on House Bill 2498, House Bill 3340, and House Bill 3408.

The House is adjourned until 11 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 20.

Committee Meetings, Monday, Feb. 20

The Judiciary Committee will host a public hearing Monday, February 20, 2023 at 9 a.m. on HB 3270– To amend the deliberate intent statute to limit noneconomic damages to $250,000.


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