Saturday, March 1, 2025
Saturday, March 1, 2025

Interim Report: LOCHHRA

The Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources heard presentations from the Bureau of Behavioral Health, the Office of Drug Control, and the Office of Inspector General on June 14, 2022.

The BBH is the designated state authority for mental health and substance use disorder, as well as the lead agency for intellectual and developmental disabilities. There are 72 positions with eight vacancies. The agency’s budget is $227 million. Federal funding has increased by 1,200 percent in the last four years. BHH works with other agencies in DHHR; they have complementary roles.

The Office of Drug Control’s goal is to address substance use with early intervention, treatment, and recovery. The agency works with several other DHHR agencies to help with recovery. Successful treatment not only treats the substance use disorder but also the underlying mental health disorder that led to substance use.

The Office of Inspector General seeks to ensure the integrity of WV DHHR programs and operations. The OIG has several units that work within it. The Board of Review preserves the integrity of Department programs by providing due process to the appellant through impartial hearings and timely decisions. The Foster Care Ombudsman is an independent impartial and confidential resource that advocates for the rights of foster children and foster/kinship parents, investigates and resolves complaints, and makes recommendations for system reform. The Investigations and Fraud Management Unit conducts an investigation of internal matters at the direction of the inspector general as well as conducts investigations of suspected fraud and abuse within the programs the department administers. The Mental Health Ombudsmen assists all WV residents who are experiencing difficulties with behavioral health services. The Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certifications shape a healthy environment for clients, patients, and residents within health care facilities by promoting the quality services and high standards of care that exist when facilities follow state and federal regulations. The Olmstead Office assists all WV residents with disabilities by providing the opportunity to receive support and services in the most integrated setting in the community. Quality Control assures the integrity of the department programs through impartial evaluations of program determinations. The WV Clearance for Access: Registry & Employment Screening establishes efficient, effective, and economic procedures for conducting background checks on all prospective direct patient access employees of long-term care facilities and providers.

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